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Annual registration
During their doctorate, a doctoral student must be registered with one of the 3 affiliated establishments of the ED EEA (ECL, INSA, UCBL) and supervised by a thesis director who must be an attached Authorized Researcher. at this establishment and at the ED EEA.
Registration is pronounced by the head of the establishment after consulting the thesis director and the director of the research laboratory and on a proposal from the director of the doctoral school. A candidate may not be proposed for registration in the event of an insufficient scientific level (a Master's degree or equivalent does not give entitlement to a doctorate). On the other hand, registration is conditional on sufficient remuneration to carry out the doctoral work.
The doctorate begins after the first registration.
During the thesis, time is counted in academic years: a student who registers for a doctorate for example in March of year N finishes his first year of thesis in August of year N and must re-register in September of year N to complete his year N / N + 1.
Registration with your doctoral school
Registration is done via the ADUM application.
A username and password are sent to you by e-mail when your application is validated by the doctoral school. They will allow you to connect to your personal online space. You will fill in your file as precisely as possible (type of funding, source of funding, thesis director, laboratory, etc.)
Once your file is completed online, it must be validated by the thesis director, the laboratory and the doctoral school.
For a registration request for the first year, please consult the Registration for the first year page.
For a re-enrollment request, please consult the Re-enrollment page.
Administrative registration
You will be invited by email to register at the establishment you have chosen beforehand. You will receive the details of the procedure to be followed and the date until which you can proceed.
Doctoral registration fees are required each year by the institution. Their amount is set every year by ministerial decree. As an indication, they were € 391 for the year 2014/2015, to which are added € 5.50 for preventive medicine. Access rights to sporting activities (optional) may be requested by the establishment. Please consult your establishment's WEB site.
Since July 2018, it is also necessary to first pay the Contribution de Vie Etudiante et Campus CVEC (100 €), to the CROUS.
The first year registration fee payment date marks the start of your thesis. In principle, you will have three years to complete your doctorate from this date.