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PhD Defense and Manuscript
The thesis defense request file must be collected from the registration institution (ECL, INSA, UCBL intranet).
After being completed, this file will be sent to the ED EEA ( It will only be examined if:
- the application form has been completed and signed by the thesis and laboratory directors;
- the thesis dissertation was submitted in pdf format by the doctoral student in the "additional documents" tab of his file on SIGED;
- all the training has been carried out and previously validated by the ED EEA.
Thesis dissertations based on articles only are not accepted.
Manuscript Language
In accordance with the French Education Code (article L 121-3), the thesis manuscript must be written in French. Insofar as this constitutes a violation of the law likely to call into question the validity of the diploma issued, the EEA Doctoral School does not authorize the drafting of thesis documents in English except in one of the following cases:
- The thesis is carried out in co-supervision with a non-French-speaking foreign university and the co-supervision agreement explicitly mentions that the dissertation will be written in English;
- The thesis is carried out as part of an international program involving a non-French-speaking doctoral student funded by a non-French-speaking foreign institution (ex CSC grant).
- A tolerance is applied in the event that at least one member of the thesis jury is a foreign scientific personality who does not speak French. However, this scenario being questionable from a legal point of view, it is at the risk and peril of the doctoral student.