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The international co-supervising allows a PhD student to complete his thesis in France and abroad.

He is enrolled in two institutions, works in two research teams, under the joint supervision of two thesis superviors. The thesis work results in a single defense and the awarding of a joint degree or two separate degrees by the two institutions.

A joint supervision agreement must be established between the two universities to which the PhD student will be attached. It specifies in particular the conditions under which the PhD student is supervised, the alternating periods within each of the research teams and the procedures for setting up the defense board.

The co-supervising agreement must be drafted in such a way as to comply with the rules of the EEA doctoral school: the document "Terms and conditions of the ED co-supervising" to be downloaded in the "Useful Documents" page specifies the elements that it is imperative to include in the co-supervising agreement.

The request for co-supervising

Any request for a co-supervising must be sent to the secretariat of the EEA doctoral school as soon as possible.

In order to improve the system for setting up international co-supervising PhD thesis agreements and to avoid an increasing number of difficulties in the monitoring and completion of some co-supervising, the institutions' research departments (ECL, INSA, UCB), assisted by their international relations and legal departments, are mobilized upstream of the process, in order to help thesis supervisors and research units in the preparation of these agreements..

If prospects for co-supervising emerge, thesis supervisors and laboratories are invited to inform the management of the EEA doctoral school as a priority and before any official approach is taken with the partner university.



Doing a co-supervising thesis involves additional mobility expenses. Some institutions also require payment of school fees and/or co-supervising fees.

There are specific funding programs for co-supervising with some countries offered by the Franco-German University, the Franco-Italian University, the Franco-Dutch Network, the Vanier Canada Scholarship Program.