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The Follow-up PhD Committee
The missions of Follow-up PhD committees
The thesis monitoring committee is composed of a representative of the laboratory, a representative of the doctoral school and a scientific expert. The objective of the monitoring committee is to ensure that the doctoral training is carried out properly and to issue an opinion on the continuation of the PhD thesis.
Upon the student first registration, the thesis supervisor must propose a scientific expert and ask the laboratory board for a representative (see the document referred to below).
The doctoral school will then designate its representative to complete the committee.
At the end of each year (from June to September), a meeting will be organized by the PhD supervisor.
All the terms and conditions of the PhD follow-up Committee and the schedule to be respected are presented in the document "Terms and conditions of operation of the PhD follow-up Committees" available in the "PhD follow-up Committees" section of the "Useful Documents" page.
For the operating procedures and the report writing of the PhD follow-up committees, please download the files available in the "PhD follow-up Committees" section of the "Useful Documents" page.